Marie Antoinette by Sofia Coppola follows the story of a young teenager being thrown into the hectic life of a queen. She starts off living life to the fullest filled with luxurious activities and partying. Coppola packs the screen with colors and visuals making every shot have a purpose.
One of my favorite scenes from the movie takes place towards the end where she is standing on top of her balcony. When she walks out you can see all of the flames from the torches, pick forks in the air, and a loud roar of a crowd. As Marie slowly bends over the balcony you hear the crowds roar go down and it almost gives you a feel as if you were there. I think Coppola's use of color and sound in this scene really highlight the rise en scene of her work. You will see scenes like this repeatedly throughout the movie. The way she arranges objects and characters in the frame to fill up the screen keeps the viewers attentions at all times.
I liked how the story made you feel sorry for Marie. The whole time she just wanted to live her life and be the young girl that she is, but due to her position she has to act a certain way and please people. You can see this in the world today too. People trying to tell women how they should act and this movie does a great job showing that to the audience. You see her go from a free, joyful teenager to someone who is being hated and ridiculed.
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